Synodality and ecumenism ecumenical formation contributes to synodal formation
sinodality, ecumenism, ecumenical formation, magisterium on ecumenism, manual of ecumenismAbstract
This article highlights the relationship between synodality and ecumenism, in addition to the need for the formation of the People of God. But, above all, we focus on the possibilities of ecumenical formation, which also contributes to synodal formation. To do this, we will analyze some ideas from documents that relate synodality and ecumenism. Such as, International Theological Commission: “Synodality in the life and mission of the Church” (2018). Also, the “Ecumenical Vademecum” of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (2020); and the “Synthesis Report” of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in its First Session (2023). Then we focus on the presentation of an important instrument for ecumenical formation, such as the recently published book titled: Walking Together: Manual of Ecumenism (2023). All with the purpose of drawing attention to the validity of ecumenical dialogue in Catholic Christianity involved in processes that lead to a more synodal Church.
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