The non-chapels of the educational centers as a provisional celebrative scope. The problems of polivalence


  • Rafael Ángel García-Lozano Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca, España



Sacred space, liturgical space, school chapels, school architecture, contemporary religious architecture


The existence of polyvalent spaces in religious catholic schools used eventually as a liturgical space has been a constant in the Church especially after the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council. In many cases this procedure has left behind the existence of chapels, giving rise to the dilution of the sacred space. Ordinarily, the provisional adaptation of these rooms for the celebration of the sacraments tends to be precarious, and sometimes far away from the liturgical norms and, what is worse, from the theological and pastoral criteria. The analysis of some examples that can be typical urges us to discern with the aim of considering from theology this habitual practice in confessional educational centers. We conclude our study by affirming the need for the existence of spaces with a permanent and explicit religious function in this centers based on the importance of enclosures explicitly reserved for education in recollection, the sacramental presence of the Eucharist, and personal and community prayer.


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Author Biography

  • Rafael Ángel García-Lozano, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca, España

    Doctor en Historia del Arte, Licenciado en Teología, Licenciado en Estudios Eclesiásticos y Maestro. Es Profesor en la Facultad de Teoligía en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, ORCID: 0000-0003-4913-7019. Correo electrónico:




How to Cite

The non-chapels of the educational centers as a provisional celebrative scope. The problems of polivalence. (2023). Anales De Teología, 21(2), 277-308.