The call to holiness in the formation of future diocesan priests from the context of synodality and the training proposal of Blessed Manuel Domingo y Sol
Manuel Domingo y Sol, Holiness, Priest, Formation, SynodalityAbstract
In this article, the research carried out on the call to holiness in the formation of future diocesan priests will be offered, from the current context of synodality and the writings of Blessed Manuel Domingo y Sol, proposing that the theme be assumed as part of the training style of the Fraternity of Diocesan Labourer Priests. In its development, a dialogue is offered between the texts of Don Manuel with contemporary authors, to find concrete clues for formation in the current context of synodality. Firstly, the call to holiness is developed in the dynamics of discipleship and then, entering into the missionary dimension of the priestly vocation and holiness, concrete paths are indicated to seek to live the call to holiness in the exercise of the ministry from pastoral charity, which favor communion, participation and mission. Finally, clues are offered to live the call to holiness in the exercise of parish ministry from synodality.
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