Transforming people to transform the world. Aspects of the Wesleyan social thought of Willis Hoover and its resonance in Chilean Pentecostalism
Willis Hoover, Political Theology, Chilean Pentecostalism, Methodism, Social thoughtAbstract
Willis Hoover was one of the prominent founders of Chilean Pentecostalism at the beginning of the 20th century in Chile, and his influence was felt in the education of pastors and believers. From the beginning, the movement took root in the poor sectors of society. Although the latter is quite well known, there is a lack of analysis of Pastor Hoover's own ideas in general and on social issues in particular, as well as the influence he received in this regard from Methodism, his tradition of origin. In view of this, the present essay outlines general characteristics of his social thought based on his writings, and its continuities and discontinuities with Methodism from the perspective of political theology in a Pentecostal key in order to shed light on the character that Hoover sought to imprint on the nascent Pentecostal movement.
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