The call: from presence to manifestation. A reflection on the difference between metaphysics and phenomenology
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This work aims to demonstrate the decisive importance of the call and response as devices for the overcoming and reappropriation of metaphysics. Jean-Luc Marion shows that the call is present in metaphysics, although latently, in the ego persuasus (Descartes) and in respect (Kant). In order for it to manifest itself, a phenomenological response that recognises it is necessary. Although Husserl and Heidegger begin the phenomenological path thanks to the expansion of intuition and the implementation of reduction, they fail to access the ultimate and irreducible principle of givenness. To do this, it will be neccesary to recognise the call throuth the third phenomenological reduction, in which the call takes the initiative and summons the subject, must be carried out. This is how, recognising the call, the 'gifted' comes and responds through the redoubler/doubler: taking up the contents of metaphysics in a hermeneutic way in the light of the call.
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