The pandemic as a transformative element of contemporary individual and social life in Byung Chul-Han
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This article aims to analyze the transforming effects that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on our individual existences and our daily social coexistence from the analytical proposal of the South Korean philosopher Byung Chul-Han. This transformation is of such depth that, for our author, it exacerbates the ills of contemporary society, such as exhaustion and weariness due to self-exploitation and permanent self-optimization brought about by globalized and omnipresent neoliberalism in the West. From this observation we will analyze in particular how the prevalence of digital communication forced by the viral emergency brings anthropological consequences that threaten to eliminate the essentials of human life: the construction of rituals, the daily temporal structure, the bodily contact with others, the belonging to a community and the appreciation of the real in its genuine ontological dimension. Finally, we will explore a possible way out of the virtual alienation in which contemporary society is forced to find itself.
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