Simondon's critique of modern anthropocentrism

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Pablo Angulo Vera


This essay summarizes philosopher Gilbert Simondon's critique of modern anthropocentrism and the conceptions of technology developed in the 20th century by certain philosophical currents that, according to him, stem from what he calls a facile humanism, which circumscribe technical development to instrumental rationality and the distinction between means and ends.  Simondon's proposal to get out of the framework of these visions, which he considers reductionist, is to broaden our view of technique, not to focus on the relationship between means and ends, and to delve into the knowledge of the modes of existence of technical objects. Simondon's view invites us to rethink our relationship with technique and beyond that, to even revise our ontological conceptions in favor of what we know today as relational ontologies. For the French philosopher, technique is a bridge between our ritual past and our present that persists in the co-existence of all living and non-living beings that make up the techno-ecosystem.

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Author Biography

Pablo Angulo Vera, Liceo Enrique Molina, Concepción, Chile

Profesor de Filosofía. Investigador y teórico, junto al artista Oscar Gavilán, de la serie de performance art Nomos en North Adams, MA-USA. Autor, junto a este último, del texto Esto es Normal y del artículo Nomos: El patrimonio mutilado y las marcas de la historia como persistencia. Revista Digital Acciones al Margen #3. Su última publicación es El eterno retorno latinoamericano y la ficción de la modernidad en Revista Rudimentos 3 del proyecto Toda La Teoría del Universo.

How to Cite

Simondon’s critique of modern anthropocentrism. (2022). Revista De Filosofia UCSC, 21(2), 145-153.


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