The forgetting of 'sophia'.
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Philosophy is a discipline that is non-scientific and remains little-known to the general public, who often view it as a form of original reflection. In order to fully grasp this originality, it is necessary to recall the beginning of the history of philosophy, which, since the end of Antiquity, has deviated from its primary objective, namely Wisdom. Since Emperor Justinian's closure of all philosophy schools in 533 AD, philosophy has survived by remaining as a discourse (logos) disconnected from its action (praxis); however, this action was sophia (wisdom). Thus, we must consider that philosophy has been effectively dead for fifteen centuries, and that philosophers have survived by submitting to the authority of the times, first to theocracy and thus to the Church, then to the State and thus to the academy. In the former case, philosophers are more interested in faith and holiness than in meditation and wisdom; in the latter, they prefer to teach and write rather than to engage in dialogue and develop a peaceful way of life. Philosophy has strayed from its goal, which is Wisdom. Therefore, the revival of philosophy requires the reopening of schools that teach Wisdom.
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How to Cite
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