Diagnosis of the contemporary man: Zygmunt Bauman's proposal
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Description and critical analysis of the main characteristics of the postmodern man according to Zygmunt Bauman (1925-2017). In particular, this paper explores the elements that, in light of the thought of this Polish essayist, sociologist, and philosopher, characterize the postmodern man. It also shows the basic philosophical assumptions from which Bauman understands this concept, and therefore, the necessary relationship that this anthropological notion has with social reality. From this perspective, the postmodern society is also analyzed as a liquid society, a concept that shows how the current society, while advancing every day towards globalization, technological innovations, the development of new economic models, and new forms of personal and social relationships, weakens and transforms the solid paradigms and traditional models of modern society. In this society, according to Bauman, man ends up becoming a victim of his own decisions, anxieties, and fears, which this same society presents to him.
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How to Cite
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