Deleuze and consciousness notes on transcendental empiricism and the philosophy of mind.

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Guillermo Nicolás Méndez Mardones


Gilles Deleuze's philosophy has developed around his so-called transcendental empiricism. While the philosophy of mind has been a battlefield where different philosophers have dealt with different problems. In the present article we pretend to make a synthesis between Deleuze's philosophy with the philosophy of mind and his idea of consciousness. This, because Deleuze's philosophy serves as a toolbox from which to extract concepts that help to address various issues. Based on a bibliographical review of both texts of the French philosopher and classic essays of the philosophy of mind, we will seek to unite both currents regarding the construction of consciousness and the use of real experience in it. In addition, we will try to give a small note of how the philosophy of transcendental empiricism could be used to deal with the problems of consciousness in the philosophy of mind

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How to Cite

Deleuze and consciousness: notes on transcendental empiricism and the philosophy of mind. (2024). Inmanere, 3, 38-54.


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