The pragmatic foundation of Jürgen Habermas’s Liberalism
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When analyzing the proposal of political liberalism from Jürgen Habermas in the texts Las bases morales prepolíticas del Estado Liberal (2004) and Debate sobre el liberalismo político (1998) it is important to consider the construction of the lifeworld from the Theory of Communicative Action II (1987). This with a specific purpose: to show how agreement arises in intersubjectivity based on linguistically themed normative foundations. However, to arrive at this deduction, it is necessary to go to the main source: the pragmatic foundation of the lifeworld with the authors Austin, J. (1990) and Searle, J. (1990). Thus, in this article we intend to relate the pragmatic foundation with political liberalism from the German author. For this purpose, it will start with Locke's contractualism to observe that in the development of Habermas on political liberalism there is an immersion of classical contractualism to later propose the agreement within communication.
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