La justicia política en Tomás de Aquino y la política de la justicia en John Rawls
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This article deals with the binomial justice and politics from the perspectives of Thomas Aquinas and the liberal John Rawls. Although it corresponds to different times, it is possible to establish a meeting point between these thinkers through justice and its relationship to the political level. Both themes with full validity and matter of divergent positions. For this reason, understanding what both raised in this regard can provide us with elements when considering these two concepts as necessary and essential in social construction.
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to establish the aspects that are present in both authors and how they characterize the link between justice and politics from some of their works. Thus, from the analysis of their possibilities and scope, we conclude the elements that can help today in social practice and in the construction of life in common as citizens.
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How to Cite
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