P. Sequeri - K. Appel - C. Casalone - D. Cornati - J. Duque - I. Guanzini - M. Neri - G. C. Pagazzi - V. Rosito - G. Serrano - L. Vantini, Rescuing Fraternity. Together, (Humana Communitas 1), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Cittá del Vaticano 2021, 168 pp. I


  • Pablo Uribe




fraternity, reality, theological critique


The book offers more than just a review of Pope Francis's encyclical Fratelli tutti; it presents a genuine challenge to the intellectual world and theology to critically examine ecclesial and social realities, contributing to an intellectual fraternity. The statement that encapsulates this call is as follows: "Within intellectual fraternity, everything can be gained; outside of it, everything that is common in humanity, starting with what is degraded and abandoned in countless ways, is its decisive counterpart" (p.86).


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P. Sequeri - K. Appel - C. Casalone - D. Cornati - J. Duque - I. Guanzini - M. Neri - G. C. Pagazzi - V. Rosito - G. Serrano - L. Vantini, Rescuing Fraternity. Together, (Humana Communitas 1), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Cittá del Vaticano 2021, 168 pp. I



How to Cite

Uribe, P. (2024). P. Sequeri - K. Appel - C. Casalone - D. Cornati - J. Duque - I. Guanzini - M. Neri - G. C. Pagazzi - V. Rosito - G. Serrano - L. Vantini, Rescuing Fraternity. Together, (Humana Communitas 1), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Cittá del Vaticano 2021, 168 pp. I. Anales De Teología, 26(1), 107–108. https://doi.org/10.21703/2735-634520242612880