Toward a disability theology for the Ghanaian context


  • Isaac Boaheng University of the Free State



Christ, disability, Ghana, prosperity theology, disability theology


Disability theology is an emerging field within theological inquiry that explores the intersection of human perceptions of God and humanity through the lens of disability experiences. In Ghana, Christian literature on the subject predominantly focuses on caregiving and ethical considerations related to disability with just a little attention to the theological dimensions on disability. This research was, therefore, conducted to formulate a theology of disability based on the intersection of theology to serve the Ghanaian Christian need. A literature-based research methodology to collect, analyze and synthesize information from previously published studies on the subject matter. The theological framework espoused in this research engages with questions of imago Dei, sin and prosperity theology in relation to disability. The paper ends with recommendations to promote advocacy, social justice and the full inclusion and rights of individuals with disabilities within both religious and societal contexts.


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How to Cite

Boaheng, I. (2024). Toward a disability theology for the Ghanaian context. Anales De Teología, 26(1), 05–20.