Methodological scopes of the idea of God in the Metaphysical Meditations of René Descartes




Idea of God, Substance, Causa sui argument, Ontological argument


This essay critically addresses the methodological development proposed by René Descartes regarding: (1) The demonstration of the existence of God through the causa sui argument and the ontological argument. (2) The implications and effects of the non-existence of God in the Cartesian system. For this analysis, the reflections raised by Descartes in meditations III, IV and V of his Metaphysical Meditations will be used. In addition, a bibliographic review is proposed that addresses the main criticisms of the idea of God in Descartes, also allowing to clarify concepts such as: Idea; Substance; Causa sui argument; and ontological argument. The main hypothesis of the work buttresses the idea of God that Descartes proposes is not directly related to his objective existence outside the subject's mind, on the contrary, this idea is susceptible of being built from the res cogintans. This situation affects the system that Descartes proposes, denying the logical possibility of a clear and distinct knowledge of external reality.


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How to Cite

Methodological scopes of the idea of God in the Metaphysical Meditations of René Descartes. (2024). Anales De Teología, 26(1), 97-106.