The Theological Background of Pope Francis and his Revolution of Tenderness: A Revolution that Transforms Theology
tendeeness, Pope Francis, revolution of tenderness, theology if tendernessAbstract
Pope Francis's theology is characterized by its focus on the “Revolution of Tenderness”, a central concept in his pontificate. This article explores the theological background underpinning the centrality of tenderness in his magisterium. It examines the influence of Ignatian spirituality, the Argentine cultural and social context, and Francis's relationship with contemporary theologians. Highlighted in his encyclicals and apostolic documents, tenderness is presented as a transformative force capable of renewing human relationships and the perception of God. This study aims to demonstrate how the theology of tenderness promotes a Christian practice centered on love and compassion, offering a response to the spiritual and social needs of our time.
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Copyright (c) 2024 María Claudia Arboleda

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