Habitar el tiempo. Breves consideraciones sobre el cuidado de la casa común
Time, eternity, ecology, ecological habitsAbstract
In the encyclical Laudato si' (2015) a diagnosis is made of the main ecological problems we face today, calling to take care of our common home. But how should we take care of it? In this article, we will show the importance of inhabiting time when trying to face the ecological crisis. Specifically, we will reflect on how by becoming aware of the influence of time in our daily lives we can adopt a life more in line with the world around us, and above all with God. In this way, although the relationship between time and God is very present in the history of Western thought, for example, in Saint Augustine, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Newton, Leibniz, Levinas, to name just a few, their relationship with the environment is not so obvious, nor is it a common line of argument. For this reason, in this article we will try to show the importance of understanding the nature of time when trying to establish solutions to the ecological issue.
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