PABLO URIBE ULLOA, Hagamos al ser humano a nuestra imagen (Gn 1,26). Una síntesis bíblico-teológica de la categoría imagen de Dios en la tradición católica. Ediciones del pueblo, Paris (Francia) – Santiago de Chile 2022. 177 pp. ISBN: 979-83-67-43713-3.
image of God, anthropology, second Vatican Council, bible, theologyAbstract
This review provides an account of a recent book published in Paris by Ediciones del Pueblo on the topic of theological anthropology. The central focus is on the reflection of the biblical category Imago Dei, which appears for the first time in the book of Genesis, chapter 1, verse 26. From this category, a biblical-theological discourse is developed, analyzing it in different treatises of classical theology. This methodology serves the author to present an optimistic itinerary of the creation of the human being as a created image. However, this image has been affected by sin as a fallen image. Yet, within this same loving dynamic that originates from God, it becomes a restored image through Christ in a life of grace. This same image tends to become a consummated image in the Christian hope of resurrection. Furthermore, the category of being God's creation as Imago Dei has other connotations of vital importance, such as moral, ecclesial, pastoral, and mariological aspects.
PABLO URIBE ULLOA, Hagamos al ser humano a nuestra imagen (Gn 1,26). Una síntesis bíblico-teológica de la categoría imagen de Dios en la tradición católica. Ediciones del pueblo, Paris (Francia) – Santiago de Chile 2022.

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