Ayahuasca, coronavirus and transformation: the spiritual perspective of the Inner Mastery organization
ayahuasca, entheogens, New Age, spirituality, contemporary religionAbstract
The movement known as Inner Mastery (previously Ayahuasca International), founded by Argentinean Alberto Varela, and headquartered in Spain, is one of the most prominent neo shamanic groups in the current landscape. In March 2020, when many countries implemented home confinement due to the pandemic, Varela claimed that he was the creator of COVID-19 and continued to invite ayahuasca retreats as the best solution to the world situation. This study analyzes his blog posts over a span of nearly two years to examine their perspective on the coronavirus. Specifically, moving beyond purely medical or “conspiracy theory” interpretations, a vision of the pandemic is observed as an opportunity for personal transformation, with the keys of New Age therapeutic holism.
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