Aparecida as an Animation of life in Spirit. After five years from its promulgation


  • Pedro Ossandon ITEPAL




Aparecida, New Pentecost, Prophetic Church, discipleship


Five years after the promulgation of the Aparecida Document, the bishop and theolo-gian Monsignor Pedro Ossandón emphasizes that Aparecida constituted a new Pente-cost for the Church that is on a pilgrimage in Latin America and the Caribbean. Taking the best of its tradition and looking to the future, the author emphasizes the prophetic mission of the Church and the discipleship that is nourished by the encounter with Jesus Christ and participation in the Life of the Trinity.


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Author Biography

Pedro Ossandon, ITEPAL

Licenciado en Teología. Obispo Auxiliar de la Arquidiócesis de Santiago de Chile. Pro-fesor invitado en el Instituto Teológico y Pastoral para América Latina (ITEPAL). Correo: possandon@episcopado.cl



How to Cite

Ossandon, P. . (2023). Aparecida as an Animation of life in Spirit. After five years from its promulgation. Anales De Teología, 14(2), 493–502. https://doi.org/10.21703/2735-634520121421955