Two natures in the person of christ?”Analysis of the concept of unity ’´(ενωσις) in the work “why is Christ one?” by Cyril of Alexandria
Unity (ενωσις), Cyril of Alexandria, Nature, hypostasis, ChristAbstract
This article aims to analyze and explain the concept of unity (ενωσις) of human and divine natures in the person of Christ, in Cyril of Alexandria from a study of his work “Why is Christ one?” (378-444). The work will focus on the concept of unity (ενωσις) that Saint Cyril uses to refer to the hypostatic union of the two natures of Christ: the divine and the human. To achieve this, this exhibition will be divided into three chapters that will answer the methodical question that guides the research. In the first section, the life and work of the author will be approached, as a way to understand the schools, thoughts and doctrine that influence the context in which the author raises the work within which is the Christological enosis (ενωσις). Then, in a second section, to address an analysis of the concept of unity in the person of Christ from the work already mentioned. Finally, an analysis will be made of the main images that Cyril of Alexandria uses to explain unity (ενωσι).
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