Between Christ, Orpheus and Nietzsche : a reading of Süskind's Perfum
The Perfume, christianity, Nietzsche, Orpheus, religious syncretismAbstract
Süskind´s novel The Perfume, which narrates the crimes carried out by a perfumer, appears at first glance to be simply a detective novel set in the 18th century. A more attentive reading allows us to verify that it is a text crossed by deep religious concerns. Grenouille, the main character, constantly confronts the Christian God in order to affirm himself. Throughout the novel, in addition to Christianity, there is evidence of a dialogue with Orphism and Nietzsche´s thought about the sacred, in a marked syncretism. In this way, this text, like others like it, proposes new paths of reflection for theology and the studies of religion. The approach carried out is interdisciplinary, since it contemplates Theopoetics, the Philosophy of Religion and literary criticism.
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