God in the proposal of Jean-Luc Marion : from theological turn to the levinasian tur
God, metaphysics, theological turn, Jean-Luc Marion, LevinasAbstract
Jean-Luc Marion makes a critical review of God´s approach in the history of Western metaphysics. His phenomenological choices distance him from the marginal place that the Husserlian-Heideggerian proposal destines for this phenomenon and bring him closer to the Levinasian matrix that leads him towards a future that is necessarily post-ontotheological as well as apparently theological. From there, God is thought “without the Being” and under the biblical marks of “Love God” (1Jn 4: 8b). The interest of this work consists in reviewing the critical proposal offered by the Marionian philosophy and in evaluating whether the proposed operation with respect to God truly corresponds to a “theological turn” or should be considered, without more, as a “Levinasian turn”.
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