Biodiversity and responsibility : A reflection from the thoughts of Pope Francis and Hans Jonas
responsibility, biodiversity, ecosystem, common benefit, ecoethics, ecotheologyAbstract
Environmental ethics, as applied ethics, thinks about the responsibility that human beings have with their environment, a thought that has become necessary given the relationship that man has today with the environment, there is, among other things, an abuse of the resources it provides. Until today, such serious effects had not been evidenced, both for the environment and for the life of the human being. For this reason, it is necessary to generate a positive, real and pragmatic change that allows human beings to be responsible for caring for their environment. Considering the theological-philosophical aspects pointed out by pope Francis, with Hans Jonas's approach of an ethics for technological civilization, it is that, in this research, it is hoped to channel both lines of thought about responsibility towards practical ideas for human action in favor of biodiversity. In addition to recognizing the role of responsible administrator that the human being has, a role that should point towards an ethic oriented to the future, respecting the position of the human being responsible for the ecosystem and its biodiversity.
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