Is my mom a witch? a contribution to religious education school-ERE, from the religious and spiritual practice of Afro-Colombian women.




School religious education-ERE, Spirituality, Afro-Colombian women, intersectionality, Racism


This article is first a tribute to many Afro-Colombian women who have lived and live their Catholic religious practice without undermining their Afro-Colombian spiritual practice. Along with the homage, this article is intended to contribute to the religious school education – ERE elements of sufficient analysis to confront and reassess the way in which the spiritual and religious practices of other peoples are stereotyped and discriminated against. In particular of the Afro-descendant communities that inhabit Colombia, and that have been evangelized, syncretizing this experience that became the enslaver, with their own cosmogonies, spiritualities, rituals and practices of relating to others, to God or to the gods and nature.


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Author Biography

  • Luis Oswaldo Martelo Ortiz, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales

    Theologian and graduate in theology, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Master in virtual learning environments, University of Panama. Specialist in Afro-Latin American and Caribbean studies, CLACSO. Candidate for a master's degree in public policy and development, FLACSO. Email:


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How to Cite

Is my mom a witch? a contribution to religious education school-ERE, from the religious and spiritual practice of Afro-Colombian women. (2022). Anales De Teología, 24(1), 73-83.