A methodological reading proposal to the work Four poets from the other side of Olegario González de Cardedal
Theological method, Literary theological dialogue, González de Cardedal, LiteratureAbstract
This research aims to offer a methodological reading of the work Four poets from the other side. Prolegomena for a Chrstology of Olegario González de Cardedal to demonstrate the necessary importance of establishing meeting points between literature, as a cultural record, and theology. Starting from the invitation that the Church has made since the Second Vatican Council, to pay attention to culture and its cultural references - in which poets are found – this study is proposed in three steps. In the first place, theology as a science is emphasized and, therefore, the need for a method. Secondly, the importance of thinking of a method of dialogue between theology and literature is identified, gathering Ricoeur´s contributions. And, thirdly, a methodological reading of the work Four Poets is proposed, which has been developed to establish a fruitful dialogue between theology and literature.
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