Billings ovulation method and its contribution to familiar planification
Familiar Planning, Family, Billings Ovulation Method, Conjugal Love, Church MagisteriumAbstract
Familiar planning is a topic of great social and religious relevance. Social policies consider fecundity because of its direct relationship with cultural, economic, planning, and social developmental aspects. Also, Catholic Church takes an active role in this subject by accompanying Catholic families. The following article aims to present the Billings Ovulation Method (MOB) and its connection with Catholic doctrine about family. The topic is presented in three sections. The fi rst section presents the Billings Ovulation Method, its origins, studies that support it and how it is organized internationally. Following the latter, an approach of procreation and family planning according to the documents of the Church’s magisterium is developed. Finally, this paper presents an analysis of the Billings Ovulation Method and its practical contribution to Catholic doctrine.
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