Young voices in christian youth environments during the Pandemic
Young People, Salesians, Pandemic, Christianity, NetworkAbstract
This research is a theological and pastoral contribution, to the analysis and interpretation, of the participation of young Christians in time of COVID-19. We asked ourselves: where were the young Christians during the pandemic? And what were they saying about these “practices” of the Church? This paper, in four stages, presenta theoretical framework; an account of the methodology of implementation and construction of instruments; the partial results; a first theological interpretation of what these “practices” say to theology, to pastoral care, to the Church in general and to the hierarchy in particular. Theological analysis uses David Tracy’s critical correlative method. Putting aside into dialogue the fracture of young people and the Church, also the regenerative and missionary participation between of young people, and on the other side with two biblical texts: the good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37) and the multiplication of the loaves (Jn 6:1-15). It appears as evident in this work so that stopping and holding young people accountable can make a big difference.
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