The importance of the conception of the new political theology of Johann Baptist Metz and its implications in the Second Vatican Council and in “The document of Medellín”
Suffering, Memory, Justice, Theodicy, MedellínAbstract
The sense of suff ering in its relationship with a culture of memory and a history of hope go through the eschatological vision of Christianity, which starts by founding an unlimited justice that reaches both the sufferings of the present and the past. The suffering and the passion in a Christian sense, presented in said eschatology, update the problem of theodicy in the Judeo-Christian doctrine, central to the discussions raised in the Second Vatican Council and taken up in the new pastoral conception of the church. The Document of Medellín is protagonist in the foundation and construction of this new church of universal and polycentric character. Theology in its special responsibility in front to the problem of theodicy, in these times of oblivion of God, must recognize and face the epistemological and praxical crisis affecting, this is, the problem of truth in its relationship with the problem of justice and the message about God. Crisis that updates the problem of the enlightened person, the exegete and the believer, and the problem of the Universal Church to respond from the challenges of the present to the mission entrusted to the Church from the Gospel of Jesus.
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