A theology of plants: rights, obligations and quasi-rights





Ecology, Nature, Rights, Obligations, Wolterstorff


This paper seeks to outline the foundational framework for a theology of plants, drawing on Nicholas Wolterstorff's theory of justice as a conceptual framework and as a Christian alternative to contemporary discourses on ecology, particularly those based on a pantheistic cosmology. For this purpose, the author presents the categories of rights, duties and quasi-rights and the place of these notions in the interaction between God, human beings and the natural world; the attendant metaphysical complexities are considered. Along with this effort, the author deals with the problem of the absence of moral agency in plants and the possible solution by resorting to the mechanism known as active legitimation. Finally, he makes some observations on the possible suspicions generated by discourses on rights in today's democracies and raises some reflections that may help future work on this topic.


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Author Biography

  • Gonzalo David, Theological University Utrecht

    Doctor en Filosofía (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, Francia) y Doctor en Teología (Institut Protestant de Théologie – Faculté de Montpellier, Francia). Actualmente, investigador postdoctoral (The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute – Theologische Universiteit Utrecht, Países Bajos). Correo electrónico: gonzalodavid@gmail.com


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How to Cite

A theology of plants: rights, obligations and quasi-rights. (2024). Anales De Teología, 26(2), 18-26. https://doi.org/10.21703/2735-634520242622688