Comparative evaluation using performance-based design of a wall-structured building


  • Juan Carlos Vielma-Quintero Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Escuela de Ingeniería Civil
  • Jorge Carvallo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Escuela de Ingeniería Civil
  • Juan Carlos Vielma Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Escuela de Ingeniería Civil



performance-based design, non-linear timehistory analysis, ACHISINA, shear wall structure


Performance-based design has been increasingly used in practice due to computational improvements, the
sophistication and dissemination of nonlinear analysis methods, and the development of commercial programs
that facilitate its use. We can evaluate the nonlinear effect of seismic events of great magnitude on the structural
behaviour of a building, verify preliminary designs based on force-based methods, validate standard design regulations, determinate deformations, and calculate accelerations that can be translated into parameters
of structural damage and economic losses, among other functions. Guiding documents have presented
methodologies to establish requirements, evaluation criteria and analysis methods, each with different
objectives. In this article, one of the methods is applied, known as the alternative procedure of ACHISINA, to a
structure with shear walls designed according to current Chilean regulations. The modelling of the earthquakeresistant
structure of the building, the preparation of seismic records, and the aspects that limit the rigorous
application of the method are addressed in a non-elastic analysis framework. Results obtained in the respective
analyses to evaluate the structural performance are compared with the corresponding performance criteria
outlined in the ACHISINA procedure. 







How to Cite

Comparative evaluation using performance-based design of a wall-structured building. (2024). Obras Y Proyectos, 35, 76-84.