Use of walnut shell in the production of particleboards
Walnut shell, waste, particleboard, construction, characterization.Abstract
The global increase in walnut production has resulted in significant waste generation, typically ending
up in landfills and causing adverse environmental impacts. The waste occupies large land areas
and contaminates the soil through decomposition processes. Chile, known for being a major producer of
walnuts, particularly the Chandler variety, possesses a valuable waste resource in the form of walnut shells.
These shells can be utilized as raw material in the manufacturing of innovative construction materials.
This article focuses on determining the absorption, swelling, density, flexural strength, and compressive
strength properties of prismatic samples made from Chandler walnut shells. These samples were bonded
using two types of PVAc adhesives: one commonly used for wood joints, and another specifically designed
for moisture resistance. The results demonstrate the viability of this particleboard, showcasing its stability
and ability to withstand moderate stress.
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