CO2 equivalent emission in the construction of adobe and brick single family homes
Carbon Footprint, functional unit, useful area, CO2 equivalentAbstract
The present study focuses on knowing the environmental impact in terms of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) in the
construction of adobe and brick single-family homes in the district of Aucallama, province of Huaral, Lima.
The methodology followed was observational - quasiexperimental. Field studies were carried out, taking
necessary data for the analysis of the unit items, these involve all the resources that are needed in the activities of the housing construction process. In order to have accurate and reliable results, calculations of meters and Carbon Footprint have been made with homes designed under the recommendations of the Peruvian Standards. The Carbon Footprint CF calculations were made with the help of Emission Factors from international inventories and national research. The calculations are made for the three processes: production of inputs, transportation, and execution. In the construction of the adobe house, 14 tons of CO2e have been obtained, while for the brick house, 50 tons of CO2e. The low built-in CF of the adobe house is due to the activities and inputs for the construction of those houses, which are handmade
and large equipment is not required for each process, which makes it a sustainable house.
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