Assessment of wave overtopping in a coastal defense using a model based on the volume-averaged Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (VARANS)


  • Rodrigo Campos-Caba
  • Patricio Winckler



CDF numerical model, boundary conditions, infragravity waves, porous media


The calibration of the IH2VOF numerical model and a sensitivity analysis of wave overtopping in a coastal defense are presented in this study. Physical model tests are replicated at a reduced scale of 1:50 in the main breakwater of the port of Pòvoa de Varzim, Portugal (Neves et al., 2008). The parameters used in the calibration correspond to porosity, linear and non-linear friction coefficients characterizing a porous media, which in our model represent the defense’s armor and filter. For irregular waves and first-order generation in the numerical wavemaker (i.e., considering only waves as a boundary condition), overtopping is practically insensitive to the range of values used for the friction parameters, due to the relatively small volume of coastal defense. Porosity, in contrast, plays a significant role in the computation of overtopping. Once these parameters have been calibrated, the tests are repeated using a second-order generation, which incorporates both waves and the infragravity waves accompanying the former. Results show that the first-order generation overestimates the overtopping, especially in more intense wave conditions. For the second-order generation, results correspond fairly well with those reported by Neves et al. (2008). Finally, we recommend the use of second-order generation both in the numerical and physical modelling of wave overtopping on coastal defenses to avoid unnecessarily conservative designs.

Author Biographies

  • Rodrigo Campos-Caba

    Department of Physics and Astronomy Augusto Righi (DIFA), Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italia.

  • Patricio Winckler

    Escuela de Ingeniería Civil Oceánica, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile. Centro Nacional de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada de Desastres Naturales (CIGIDEN), Santiago, Chile. Centro de Observación Marino para Estudios de Riesgos del Ambiente Costero (COSTAR), Valparaíso, Chile.







How to Cite

Assessment of wave overtopping in a coastal defense using a model based on the volume-averaged Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (VARANS). (2023). Obras Y Proyectos, 33, 6-14.