Application of geostatistical models to dynamic cone tests DPSH Grizzly® data carried out in potentially liquefiable soils in the northern sector of Punta Arenas city


  • Pablo Villarroel Geotecnia Patagonia Ltda.,Punta Arenas, Chile.
  • Ramón Carrasco Geotecnia Patagonia Ltda.,Punta Arenas, Chile.



geostatistics, dynamic penetrometer, kriging estimation, soil liquefaction


In this paper, the application of geostatistical models to 71 tests with a dynamic probe super heavy DPSH Grizzly® carried out during the last 7 years over a wide area of the northern sector of the city of Punta Arenas is presented. This sector is characterized by having an extensive unit, composed of potentially liquefiable loose saturated sands, which is accompanied by other smaller units composed of organic soils and soft clays locally known as "mazacote". Geostatistics models allowed to obtain a spatial correlation of the tip resistance data of the dynamic penetrometer DPSH Grizzly®. Through Kriging geostatistical interpolation estimates, geotechnical units that make up the sector under study were identified as well as the most susceptible areas to the liquefaction phenomenon. The study was complemented with data from SPT tests, geological and geomorphological charts and calibrations to the dynamic penetrometer DPSH Grizzly®, undertaken during the execution and review of the tests.







How to Cite

Application of geostatistical models to dynamic cone tests DPSH Grizzly® data carried out in potentially liquefiable soils in the northern sector of Punta Arenas city. (2022). Obras Y Proyectos, 31, 45-51.