Experimental study of the basal excitation and saturation degree effect on the pore pressure underneath an earth dam


  • Mario Pastén FCA Ingeniería
  • Iván Salazar Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad Católica del Norte




earth dam, pore pressure, degree of saturation, excitation frequency, seepage


The pore pressure variation and the degree of saturation in a transient regime under an earth dam structure containing liquid are investigated, when subjected to basal dynamic excitations. A scaled physical model (1:200) of an earth dam is built. Frequency ranges between 3 and 10 Hz, in the vertical and the horizontal direction are used. Sine, cosine and triangular functions are used to represent the basal excitation of the structure. The experimental control process is carried out with the continuous measurement of the pore pressure along with a general hydrological balance, which allows controlling not only the infiltration capacity of the system but also the internal storage of water and effluent flow. Results of pore pressure represent piezometric level magnitudes. It was found that larger pore pressure values occur with the increase of the medium degree of saturation and low excitation frequencies. Also permanent changes in pore pressure due to surcharges and suction produced in the dam-foundation soil interface are observed, as a consequence of the imposed ground excitations.








How to Cite

Experimental study of the basal excitation and saturation degree effect on the pore pressure underneath an earth dam. (2018). Obras Y Proyectos, 24, 53-61. https://doi.org/10.4067/s0718-28132018000200053 (Original work published 2021)