Freedom of Speech and Property Rights in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
freedom of speech, property rights, Inter-American Court, human rights, jurisprudenceAbstract
This work exposes the relationship between two classical fundamental rights: property rights and freedom of speech. First, we give some context to this relationship based on the writings of the economists Milton Friedman y Douglas North. In second place, we expose the historical origin and the conceptual basis of both rights that are present in doctrinal works and in the Bills of Rights written in the XVIII century. In third place, we explain landmark cases in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, that allows to explain the relationship between these two rights. These landmark cases will be analysed using the conceptual contributions previously exposed to defend the thesis that the article 13.3 of the American Convention on Human Rights establish an indirect protection of property rights in cases where mass media is involved, because this right is an essential requirement to the full exercise of the freedom of speech.
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