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Author Guidelines

1. Articles submission

Contributions must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx) by email to, or using the web site’s platform by signing in .

2. Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The manuscript is original, and the authors undertake not to submit it to other publications simultaneously. For this, Letter of engagement.
  • In a document attached to the letter, indicate the name and surname of each author, identifying the role they played in the development of the manuscript, according to the criteria of the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT).
  • The manuscript is in one of the languages of publication: Spanish, Italian, French or English.
  • The manuscript has been submitted in a format compatible with the most recent version of the Word.
  • The manuscript complies with all the requirements established in the journal’s publication guidelines Author Guidelines.
  • The role or contribution of each author in the manuscript has been indicated in an attached document to the letter of submission. Please use Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT).
  • The manuscript complies with the journal’s ethical policies.
  • The authors must assure that their manuscripts comply with the principles on the Integrity of Scientific Research as established in the Singapore Declaration.
  • The article must have a version of the title, summary, and keywords in the English and in Spanish.
  • If the article is derived from a research project, the name or code of the project, source of funding and year must be stated.
  • Whenever possible and available, links to URL addresses are included in the references.
  • Whenever possible, the DOI code is included in the references.
  • Whenever possible, the article connects with the dataset, with complete citation, include DOI of dataset.

3.Typological standards

The submitted articles must have one of the following typologies:

a) Research article. A document that provides a detailed presentation of the original results of completed research studies. Manuscripts should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words. The structure of the article should have at least the following elements.

i) Title: in the source language, English, Italian, French or Spanish if applicable.

ii) Abstract in the source language, English, and Italian, French or Spanish if applicable.

iii) Keywords: in the source language, English, and Italian, French and Spanish if applicable.

iv) Introduction: presents objectives, scope, and originality of the text, may include a broader theoretical development if the topic warrants it.

v) Methodology: presentation of epistemological, methodological, and ethical issues of the research.

vi) Analysis: descriptive presentation of the results.

vii) Discussion: linkage of the analysis with the current theoretical discussion, considering main findings and differences.

viii) Conclusions: synthesizes results and contributions, and fulfilment of objectives.

b) Review article. A document present the results of a completed research that presents an updated overview of a relevant field of study to identify advances in the area and the main theoretical and methodological trends. Its main feature is a careful bibliographic review. Manuscripts should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words.

The structure of the article should have the following elements:

i) Title: in the source language, English, Italian, French or Spanish if applicable.

ii) Abstract in the source language, English, and Italian, French or Spanish if applicable.

iii) Keywords: in the source language, English, and Italian, French or Spanish if applicable.

iv) Introduction: presents objectives, scope and originality of the text, should define scope and type of review carried out.

v) Review Methodology: presentation of epistemological, methodological and ethical issues of the research.

vi) Presentation of Results: it reports the main findings of the review.

vii) Conclusions: it synthesizes results and contributions, and fulfilment of objectives.

c) Commentaries on Judges: Original essays on specific topics, with the objective of presenting the doctrinaire research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective. They will be submitted for peer review. Manuscripts should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words. The structure of the article should have the following elements:

i) Title: in the source language, English and Spanish if applicable.

ii) Abstract: in the source language, English, and Spanish if applicable.

iii) Keywords: in the source language, English, and Spanish if applicable.

iv) Introduction: presents objectives, scope and originality of the text.

v) Discussion: presents the core of the proposed theoretical discussion.

vi) Conclusions: synthesizes results and contributions of the manuscript.

4. Editorial standards

Language: The articles must be submitted and written in English, Italian, French or Spanish, with abstracts and keywords in languages and English. If the article is originally in English, Italian or French the article, abstract and keywords will be published in the original language, but the abstract and keywords must additionally be translated into Spanish.

5. Article Information

Financing: The authors must specify the sources of financing for the research from which the submitted article is derived, including the title of the project, the financing entity or person, and project code or identifier (optional).

State of conflicts of interest: The authors must declare that there are no conflicts of interest in connection with the submitted article between the authors, the journal, the publishing entity, and the financing entities.

Acknowledgements: The authors may make acknowledgements to persons (as long have authorized the use of their names), entities or others who have been of assistance in making the article possible by providing technical, operating, or financial resources.

6. Periodicity

The published scientific articles can be viewed and can be openly accessed in electronic format with annual periodicity and continuous publication. The journal receives submissions year-round, free of charge at any stage of the publishing process.

7. Fees or charges for processing articles

There are no fees or charges for the submission of publication of the articles. The entire publishing process of Revista de Derecho de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción is totally free of charge.

8. References and citation standards

a) General manuscript filing requirements

ii) Format: The works must be presented in letter size text, with a margin of 3 cm for all pages, single spacing, Times New Roman font 12 for the body, and 10 for the notes. Sections should be divided into Roman numerals, then capital letters, followed by Arabic numerals. Italics will be used for foreign language quotes and words.

i) Author affiliation: Papers must contain complete information regarding the affiliation of the authors. You must indicate the full name under the title and, at the bottom, the institution to which it belongs, email and postal address.

b) Bibliographic references

i) Papers must conform to the standards NCh1143.Of1999 Documentation – Bibliographic references – Content, form and structure. Equivalent to ISO 690 standard.

ii) Abbreviated bibliographic references should be added by footnotes, in accordance with the examples provided:

     • An author: Surname (in small caps), year of the work (in parentheses), page: Vidal (2011), p. 20.

     • Two authors: Surname, separated by “and”, according to the previous reference: De la Maza and Vidal (2018), p. 200.

     • Three or more authors: Last name of the first, followed by et al, according to previous reference: Vidal et al (2020), p. 240.

     • If there are several works by the same author, of the same year, a correlative letter shall be identified next to the year, in alphabetical order: Corral (2008a), p. 10; Corral (2008b), p. 10.

     • The rules should be quoted abbreviated, as in the example: Law No. 19.496 of 1997.

     • Abbreviated Jurisprudence: Roque con Santa Cruz (2010).

c) Complete references at the end of the job:

i) All references should be included in the “Bibliography”, at the end of the work, according

ii) Book reference: Author (surname, in small caps, first name, no small caps), year of publication: Publication title, in italics, edition number, except the first (Place of publication, publisher), volume or tome: Corral Talciani, Hernán (2004): Lessons in Tort Liability, 2nd edition (Santiago, Editorial Jurídica de Chile). Abeliuk Manasevic, René (2014): Las Obligaciones, 6th updated edition (Santiago, Editorial Jurídica de Chile), t. II.

iii) Translations: Author (surname, in small caps, first name, no small caps), year of publication: Publication title, in italics, edition number, except the first (Translation, Place of publication, publisher), volume or tome: Le Tourneau, Philippe (2004): La Responsabilidad Civil (Translation by Javier Tamayo, Bogotá, Editorial Temis).

iv) Book chapters: Author (surname, in small caps, name, without small caps), year of publication: “Title of the book chapter”, in: surname, name of the person in charge (director, coordinator), Title of the work in italics (Place of publication, editorial): San Martin Neira, Lilian (2017): “Relationship between predictability and creditor fault as delimiting factors of contractual liability”, in: Schopf Olea, Adrián and Marín González, Juan Carlos (editors), The public and the private in Law. Studies in tribute to Professor Enrique Barros Bourie (Santiago, Thomson Reuters).

v) Journal Article: Author (surname, in small caps, name, without small caps), year of publication: “Article title”, in: Journal title in italics (journal number or volume): Severin Fuster, Gonzalo (2018): “The right to unilateral withdrawal of the client in the regulation of service contracts of the Chilean Civil Code, with special reference to article 1999”, in: Ius et Praxis (vol. 24 no. 2).

vi) Cited standards: The standards should be listed, at the end of the work, after the bibliography, in chronological order and category of standards, according to the following example: Law No. 19,496, on protection of consumer rights, March 7, 1997

vii) Cited jurisprudence: The complete reference of the jurisprudence must be incorporated following the example: Rojas Gaete, Cesar and others with Banco Santander Chile (2016): Santiago Appeals Court, of December 19, 2016, roll 122.306-16, MJJ48157.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Contributions must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx) by email to, or using the web site’s platform
  • The works must be presented in letter size text, with a margin of 3 cm for all pages, single spacing, Times New Roman font 12 for the body, and 10 for the notes. Sections should be divided into Roman numerals, then capital letters, followed by Arabic numerals. Italics will be used for foreign language quotes and words.
  • The manuscript is original, and the authors undertake not to submit it to other publications simultaneously. For this Letter of engagement and Form certifying that the article is an original work by the author.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses provided to Revista de Derecho de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción  will be used exclusively for the journal’s established purposes and will not be made available to any other person or organization or for any other use.

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