India: Greek preludes, contacts with the Roman Empire and Pliny the Elder's view


  • Ricardo Pérez Haristoy Universidad Católica Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez, Santiago, Chile.


India, hellenism, Pliny the Elder, barbarism, Gandhara, roman empire


India has been an inspiration since ancient times to a host of classical authors, providing a space in which distance and remoteness turns fiction into reality. Alexander's quest opens the door to a deeper knowledge of this country and its culture, expanding Hellenism into the East. Also, trade gave insights that demonstrate the existence of constant contact between both cultures as well as a novel artistic synthesis such as the art in Gandhara. Finally, the references of the roman author Pliny the Elder give an in depth description of this town, considered to be a place ofbarbarism.

Author Biography

  • Ricardo Pérez Haristoy, Universidad Católica Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez, Santiago, Chile.

    Magíster en Historia, con mención en Historia Europea, de la Universidad de Chile; académico de la Universidad Católica Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez.







How to Cite

India: Greek preludes, contacts with the Roman Empire and Pliny the Elder’s view. (2012). Revista Pencopolitana De Estudios Históricos Y Sociales, 2, 85-109.