The repair of the damages caused by the persecution of a swarm of bees on another found provided for in article 612 of the Spanish Civil Code. An assumption of the so-called "compensation for sacrfifice"




Lawful damage, bee swarm persecution, compensation, compensation for sacrifice


There is a set of cases in which the law, expressly authorizing a certain behavior, orders that in the event that damage results from it, its author must compensate it. Such cases are normally called under the misleading label of “liability for a lawful act”, one of the most characteristic hypotheses being that of compensation for damages caused by the persecution of one's own swarm of bees on another's property. Through this work we will verify that this is a case of “compensation for sacrifice”, which does not constitute any civil liability and only gives the right to repair the compensatory damage that has been necessary for the exercise of the right in question


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Normas citadas

Código Civil de Alemania.

Código Civil de España.

Código Civil de Italia.

Código Civil de Portugal.

Código Penal de España.



How to Cite

Céspedes Muñoz, C. (2023). The repair of the damages caused by the persecution of a swarm of bees on another found provided for in article 612 of the Spanish Civil Code. An assumption of the so-called "compensation for sacrfifice". Revista De Derecho De La Universidad Católica De La Santísima Concepción, (43), 40–52.


