Reciba la más cordial bienvenida al Portal de Revistas Académicas de la Universidad Católica de la Santa Concepción. Este portal fue diseñado para contribuir a la difusión del conocimiento de la investigación.
Este portal utiliza Software Libre, denominado OJS (Open Journal System), que permite el acceso abierto a los artículos científicos publicados en cada revista. Encontrará información sobre las convocatorias, plazos de envío de artículos de investigación para revisión y publicación.
Te invitamos a acceder al OJS de revistas académicas para revisar los artículos o subir trabajos de investigación según las convocatorias de cada revista.
Revista de Estudios y Experiencias en Educación
The Journal of Studies and Experiences in Education (REXE) is an official publication of the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, whose essential purpose is to be a direct means of disseminating academic and scientific work. It constitutes a space for debate, reflection, study and effective contribution to the area of pedagogical knowledge, in a scenario in which education acquires ever greater relevance in solving the challenges that our society must face in this age of knowledge and information.
Revista de Derecho de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
The Revista de Derecho de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción is a scientific journal that publishes original manuscripts on various areas of public and private law. Rigorous works conducted with the methodologies of legal sciences and related disciplinary fields, including interdisciplinary approaches, are welcome. Multi-authored works, especially those with international collaboration, are highly regarded. Although the journal primarily focuses on the geographical scope of Latin America, studies covering other territories and authors from around the world are also welcome.
The journal is published continuously with biannual consolidation. Its issues are of a general nature, although the editorial team may decide to publish an additional monographic issue. The journal is peer-reviewed through a double-blind process. It maintains a policy of open access to its content, under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).
The Revista de Derecho de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción is open to the entire community and is academically and financially supported by the aforementioned University. The opinions expressed by the authors in their articles do not represent the views of the institution that publishes the Journal.
Obras y Proyectos
Obras y Proyectos is a publication whose mission is to spread, promote and encourage research, contributing to the knowledge interchange among professionals of the Civil Engineering community. To this end original and scientific works are considered as well as technical notes mainly orientated to show and discuss relevant works and projects. Technical works showing innovations and applications used mainly by enterprises and consulting firms involved in Civil Engineering are presented too. In this form, the classical branches of Civil Engineering, namely Structures, Hydraulics, Geotechnics, Transport and Construction are developed. In addition, other areas related to and applied to Civil Engineering such as Energy, Environment, Geology, Mining, Computing and Technology, are considered. As a result, Obras y Proyectos seeks the participation of a wide group which covers from the academia, state institutions, and the entrepreneurial world.
Revista de Filosofia UCSC
The Revista de Filosofía UCSC aims to promote, publish, and disseminate unpublished and original articles of high academic quality in diverse areas of philosophy. Its main purpose is to contribute to the generation of knowledge in this humanistic field, to foster the search for truth, and to generate dialogue between reason and Christian faith.
Each publication is primarily directed at researchers, professors, and students in the field of philosophy and secondarily at researchers from other areas of knowledge and the general public. The journal accepts unpublished articles, essays, communications, and original notes from academic research. The majority of researchers who publish in our journal are from Chile or Latin America, although not exclusively. The official language of the Revista de Filosofía UCSC is Spanish, but we also accept writing in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and English.
Anales de Teología
The journalAnales de Teología of the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción (An.Teol.), began its first publication in 1998 (ISSN 0717-4152). Since then, it has continuously published academic research papers in the field of theology. Starting from 2022 (ISSN 2735-6345), in response to the changing times, the journal transitions to a fully online format, maintaining its original quality. It is published twice a year, with one issue in each semester.
Biologia Pesquera
Biologia Pesquera is scientific journal that in the Latin American region has the purpose of results either from biological, fisheries, ecological, limnological, oceanographic or engineering research oriented to increase the scientific bases for the management and exploitation of exploitation of aquatic living resources. The journal will give priority to publish manuscripts related to, the Southeastern Pacific and Austral Ocean. Submission can be made in Spanish or English.
The managing editorial ship of Biologia Pesquera is an effort of the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Católica de la Santísma Concepción (Concepción, Chile) a contar sisce number 20 (December 1991)
The Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy program at the Faculty of Theological Studies and Philosophy aims to provide our students with a comprehensive understanding of the discipline while preparing them for academic work by fostering the exploration of reason and the rationality of the Christian faith through research.
Aligned with this objective as the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepcipon, our students have sought to establish a platform for publishing research articles, essays, and reviews.
Thus, the Inmanere Journal emerges as a venue to engage in an ongoing dialogue, drawing from the distinct tenets of the philosophical discipline and in constant interaction with other fields, in order to uncover transcendent truths beyond diverse worldviews and explore the essence of humanity. The journal serves as a space for publishing articles from our own institution and extends an invitation to contributions from other academic entities.
We cordially invite you to embrace this space as a platform for critical reflection on topics of interest to our academic community. As it evolves, it has the potential to awaken new interests within us by shedding light on aspects of reality that may have previously escaped our attention.
Revista Pencopolitana de Estudios Históricos y Sociales
Históricos y Sociales de la Licenciatura en Historia de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción es una publicación semestral que nace al alero de sus académicos. Las líneas de investigación son las Historia de Chile, Historia de América, Historia de las relaciones Internacionales e Historia Universal.