Analysis of pedagogical practices in early childhood education in Chile with a focus on classroom interactions
Keywords: interactions, early childhood education, learning environments, classroom observation, educational quality.Abstract
The quality of learning environments is strongly influenced by the type of interactions that occur within early childhood education classrooms, as these impact the development of skills. In this sense, the strong demand to establish improvements in the Chilean educational system forces us to focus our attention on the teaching practices that guide the teaching-learning processes. The objective of this research was to analyze the quality of the interactions of early childhood educators in high school and pre-kindergarten classrooms at an educational center. The Teach ECE Class Observation instrument was applied in the dimensions of Classroom Culture, Guided Learning and Socio-Emotional Skills. The results showed that the dimension with the best quality interactions is located in the Classroom Culture dimension, the lowest quality interactions were observed in the Socioemotional Skills dimension, given that there is evidence of little spontaneous participation of the children during the learning experience. learning and low level of peer interactions. The educators agree about the importance of communication and positive interactions that contribute to the classroom climate and with respect to the quality of the interactions that aim at the development of new concepts, strong differences are evident between the rooms observed. The results of this study open a space for discussion around the dynamics that develop within preschool classrooms and provide key inputs for working with educators in training.
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