Attrition and entry in the teaching workforce in Chile between 2021-2022




Teachers, Teacher policy, Pandemics, Teacher shortage, Chile


Although teaching careers have a central role in the government education agenda and in the research agenda, the different national studies still do not cover the period after the Teaching Career Law or the COVID-19 crisis to understand the revolving door, a phenomenon that occurs among those who left and those who re-enter and that helps to make the teaching shortage invisible. Thus, seeking to contribute to this reflection, the objective of this article was to examine the attrition and the entry to the teaching classroom between 2021-2022 by administrative dependency. The methodology was quantitative and descriptive. The sample consisted of pre-school, primary and secondary education teachers in regular education and not retired. Statistics on the Teaching Position Base were used. The results show a 9.1% attrition and 11.5% (re)entry, as well as a minor effect of the Law, at least during the second years of the pandemic and until it enters to regime. The conclusions invite to respond to the challenge with attraction and retention, especially in specific groups, such as teachers with more years of experience in subsidized schools of those who have a degree in education among public schools.


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Author Biography

Vanessa Orrego-Tapia, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile

Psicóloga por la Universidad Diego Portales, Magíster en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad de Leiden y Magíster en Métodos de Investigación Social por la Universidad Diego Portales. Actualmente trabaja como investigadora en la Universidad Diego Portales. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen salud mental docente, innovación educativa, retención docente y liderazgo educativo.


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How to Cite

Orrego-Tapia, V. (2024). Attrition and entry in the teaching workforce in Chile between 2021-2022. REXE- Revista De Estudios Y Experiencias En Educación, 23(52), 142–160.


