Natural diet of the Southern king crab Lithodes santolla (LITHODIDAE) in the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
Feeding habits - centolla - stomach contents - crabAbstract
Stomach contents of 320 Southern king crabs (Lithodes santolla) ranging from 40 mm to 100 mm in carapace length (CL) from Beagle Channel, near Ushuaia city, Argentina, were examined by the frequeney of occurrence method of analysis and by the relative weight of stomach content. Of the total number of the crabs contained food (77.19%) 24 were damaged, so that they were excluded of the analysis. Molluscs (mainly gastropods) dominated in terms of frequeney of occurrence; crustaceans and bryozoa were the second-and third- most important groups, respectively. The relativo frequeney of different prey groups varied in relation to the size class and season. No significant differences in the quantity of relativo weight of food was observed between sexes, but significant differences were detected in the quantity' of food consumed from different seasons and size groups. Consumption was greatest during winter in crabs <70 mm (CL). Generally small crabs (<60 mm CL contained more food than did large crabs (>70 mm CL).